I was in a wooded area with cabin houses, being chased by a dark figure with a white hood, a yellow swirling eye, and the other eye red. He had deer antlers on his head, and he was chasing me and people I know, and ripping them apart. I was trying to stop him with squirt guns, but it wasn’t effective at the end of the dream I fell off a balcony, and when I landed in the middle of a town, I was a giant, and I was ready to go attack. Whatever was attacking me.
This dream could represent the presence of an overwhelming fear or anxiety in your life. The wooded area symbolizes unknown and unexplored aspects of your life or the world, which may make you feel vulnerable and exposed. The dark figure with the white hood and the swirling yellow eye and the red eye with deer antlers on its head may represent your fear and worries, which keep following you and causing havoc in your life.
Your inability to stop the figure with squirt guns indicates your sense of powerlessness in the face of this fear. Falling off the balcony may represent a sense of losing control or being overwhelmed by the stress of the situation. Your transformation into a giant figure may indicate a growing sense of strength or the need to stand up to the fear and anxiety that is plaguing you. Alternatively, it may indicate a desire to overcome the problem, though you might not know how to do it yet.